Register your CV and personal details with Funeral Recruitment to apply

We'll log you in once you've added your details and you'll be able to apply for roles with a simple click.

Email *
Phone *
First Name *
Last Name *
Employment Type *
Select all that apply
Counties *
Select all that apply
Roles *
Select all that apply
Select all that apply
Salary Expectations *
Select all that apply
Experience *
Experience Summary
This is optional, but helps if you tell us a little about yourself and what work you have previously done.
Hi ,
Email *
Phone *
First Name *
Last Name *
Add New CV
Maximum file size: 30 MB
PDF or Word Document
Add New Profile Picture
Maximum file size: 30 MB
Employment Type *
Select all that apply
Region *
Select all that apply
Roles *
Select all that apply
Select all that apply
Experience *
Select all that apply
Salary Expectations *
Experience Summary
This is optional, but helps if you tell us a little about yourself and what work you have previously done.